Geschrieben von Thomas Kohmann am 24. Januar 2014 um 12:04


Die Europameisterschaft Elektro-Glattbahn musste verlegt werden. weil die Stadt die Genehmigung für den ursprünglichen Termin (31.07. – 03.08) nicht erteilte .
Neuer Termin ist der 21. bis 24. August 2014. Der Ort bleibt mit Alcobendas/Spanien.

Nachfolgend die Original der Mitteilung der EFRA:

Dear friends,
Some changes had to be made on a few EFRA EC’s.
We have a change of dates on the EC 1/10 Electric in Alcobendas, Spain, explained as follows:
“Regarding the European Championship Electric Touring Cars Modified and Stock 2014 in Alcobendas (Spain) and due to problems with the general permission of the municipal authority on the original planned date on the first weekend of August, the date for the European Championship Electric Touring Cars Modified and Stock has to be changed.
The new date will be from the 21st to the 24th of August 2014 (this date is now confirmed and approved by the municipal authority, who hosts the event in their facilities and all the necessary permissions and insurances are signed and approved.
The Organizer and also AECAR as well as EFRA apologize for any inconvenience caused by this date change due to reasons which were not foreseeable.“

Mit sportlichen Grüßen

Thomas Kohmann
Referent Elektro Glattbahn DMC e.V.


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